Tuesday, September 3, 2013

900 Miles to Save Lives

Richard Gates recently completed a 900-mile bicycle ride to raise awareness of the importance of organ and tissue donation. The journey took Gates from Pittsburgh, PA to Boston, MA where he was met by the doctors and nurses who cared for him when he received his heart transplant almost 10 years ago.

Boston Skyline
Boston Skyline (Photo credit: brentdanley)
Gates referred to his trip as "Tour de Second Chance" and said he wanted people to understand that he was only able to make the long bike trip because someone had chosen to be an organ donor. He also hoped it showed transplant patients they can lead full lives after their transplant.

For more information about organ and tissue donation, or to learn how to register as an organ and tissue donor in the state where you live, please visit our website, www.SaveLivesTN.org, by clicking here.

Read more : boston.cbslocal.com article titled "Heart Transplant Recipient Arrives in Boston After 900-Mile Bike Ride"
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