Monday, February 25, 2013

Illinois Mom Turning Lemons into Lemonade to Honor Son

Jill Zuleg experienced every parent's worst nightmare in the fall of 2010 when her son, Kyle, tragically perished in a horrible accident. While on a family camping trip, a large tree branch fell on Kyle while he was playing a game in the woods. However, in the pain of losing her son, Jill found the motivation to make a difference and turn something bad into something good.

Family camping
Family camping (Photo credit: Wikipedia - PLEASE NOTE that photo is NOT of the the Zuleg family. It is included here for illustration purposes only.)
Kyle was an organ donor who donated seven organs to five recipients. After his death, Jill formed the Kyle Zuleg Foundation. The organization gives memorial scholarships and comfort blankets to the families of organ donors. In fact, the Kyle Zuleg Foundation to date has given out 15 scholarships to high school students helping them to attain their dream of a college education. The comfort blankets the foundation distributes are embroidered with a special message that says "Forever In Our Hearts."

Recently, Jill was one of only five people nationwide honored with the "Inspired Comfort Award" by Cherokee Uniform Company, makers of medical apparel. Realizing that after her son's tragic death she had a choice to make, Jill said, "I had to choose to move forward and take this horrible, horrible tragedy, which I cannot change, and turn it into something positive." She has done just that.

Like Jill, you can make lemonade out of lemons and turn a tragedy into something good. Just visit the website for the Tennessee Organ Donation Foundation, Inc. at by clicking here and register to be an organ and tissue donor.

Read more : article on titled "Woman Honored for Work Promoting Organ Donation"
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Making Plans and Holding On

Molly Pearce, 24, has her future planned out with her boyfriend, Corey Eaker. They have cruises to go on and trips, including ones to New York and Australia, to take. They even have the names, Peyton and Colt, of their two future children planned out. However, there is one thing that must happen first in order to see their plans come to fruition - Molly needs a transplant.

Molly needed an intestinal transplant at birth, but such a surgery did not exist at that time. She lived on a liquid diet until she received the needed transplant at the age of 13. However, at the age of 12, a medical error put Molly even further behind the 8-ball. She was given an antibiotic that should have only been given to hospital in-patients. Worse yet, the dose she received was too large. The error severely damaged Molly's kidneys putting her way behind on the road to recovery.

English: Dr. Ehtuish Preforming An Organ Trans...
English: Doctor Preforming An Organ Transplant. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
After the intestinal transplant, Molly could eat solid food for the first time in her life, and doctors thought, and hoped, that the additional nutrition she was getting might heal her damaged kidneys. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. So, in 2007, Molly's mom donated a kidney to her. By all accounts, the combination of the intestinal and kidney transplant gave Molly the two best years of her life.

Unfortunately, 2012 saw things take a turn for the worse. Molly went to a local emergency room, because she was feeling bad. While there, she was given the wrong type of blood leaving her in need of a four-organ transplant, including liver, kidney, pancreas, and small intestine. The toughest part is that all four organs must come from the same donor, and Molly is running out of time.

Molly's story is a difficult one. In need of one transplant at birth, she finds her self needing an even more complicated transplant at the young age of 24 through no fault of her own. Molly needs a hero and needs one soon. There are over 117,000 Americans like Molly currently needing life-saving transplants from heros, too. The good thing is that we know what the solution is - it is more Americans registering as organ and tissue donors.

For more information about organ and tissue donation, including how to register in the state where you live, please visit our website at One day, you might be a hero to someone like Molly.

Be a hero - register today.

Read more : article titled "SMC Student Holding Out for Four Organ Transplant"
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