Monday, February 25, 2013

Illinois Mom Turning Lemons into Lemonade to Honor Son

Jill Zuleg experienced every parent's worst nightmare in the fall of 2010 when her son, Kyle, tragically perished in a horrible accident. While on a family camping trip, a large tree branch fell on Kyle while he was playing a game in the woods. However, in the pain of losing her son, Jill found the motivation to make a difference and turn something bad into something good.

Family camping
Family camping (Photo credit: Wikipedia - PLEASE NOTE that photo is NOT of the the Zuleg family. It is included here for illustration purposes only.)
Kyle was an organ donor who donated seven organs to five recipients. After his death, Jill formed the Kyle Zuleg Foundation. The organization gives memorial scholarships and comfort blankets to the families of organ donors. In fact, the Kyle Zuleg Foundation to date has given out 15 scholarships to high school students helping them to attain their dream of a college education. The comfort blankets the foundation distributes are embroidered with a special message that says "Forever In Our Hearts."

Recently, Jill was one of only five people nationwide honored with the "Inspired Comfort Award" by Cherokee Uniform Company, makers of medical apparel. Realizing that after her son's tragic death she had a choice to make, Jill said, "I had to choose to move forward and take this horrible, horrible tragedy, which I cannot change, and turn it into something positive." She has done just that.

Like Jill, you can make lemonade out of lemons and turn a tragedy into something good. Just visit the website for the Tennessee Organ Donation Foundation, Inc. at by clicking here and register to be an organ and tissue donor.

Read more : article on titled "Woman Honored for Work Promoting Organ Donation"
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